The decision-making process
It is the people in the organization who are responsible for making and implementing decisions based upon the information received and their perception and analysis of that information.
The decision-making process consists essentially of the following stages:
1. Receiving information.
2. Adequately evaluating its relevance, quality and quantity.
3. Analyzing its content.…
English Articles
Sheet 'Jan' is the Product List of Supplier A for January.
Sheet 'Feb' is the Product List of Supplier A for February.
Compare them and do the following:
1) Add columns 'Status' and 'Previous Price'
2) Highlight new SKUs with yellow color with a button (VBA)
3) Highlight existing SKUs with different price with green color (VBA) and update columns…
1) Creation of SKU QR Codes in Excel with a button (VBA)
2) Creation of Product URL QR Codes in Excel with a button (VBA)
3) Creation of SKU Barcodes in Excel with a button (VBA)
4) Update of ‘Product’ Column with SKU, Name, Attribute 1 value(s), Attribute 2 value(s), Type and Regular Price with a button (VBA)…